[Scottish] BCS debriefing

Robert Lazzurs scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu May 15 10:44:01 2003

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 10:21, Kyle Gordon wrote:
> And yes, I was expecting a bit of a fiery debate, but instead they both ended 
> up agreeing, and the vote was unanimous. Mark (Microsoft) appeared to put 
> forward that Microsoft no longer despises open source, but reckons that it 
> can co-exist, and companies will now have to decide whether they want to make 
> money from supporting services alone, or creating and supporting services.
> It was worth it :-)

I agree it was worth it however it would have been nice if the debate
had went on for a while longer, I presume it did in the pub :(

The Microsoft reps seems to really want to listen which is a good sign
that MS knows how to higher the right people, I just hope they can take
something good back from the debate and make changes from it.

Take care - RL

MSN:lazzurs@everybuddy.com	|"All that is etched in stone
Yahoo:admroblaz AIM:admroblaz	|is truly only scribbled in
ICQ:66324927			|sand" - RL
Jabber:admroblaz@jabber.org	|Join Eff http://www.eff.org
e-mail:lazzurs@lazzurs.myftp.org|Take care all - Rob Laz