[Scottish] Local news server

Ritchie Logan Ritchie.Logan at baronsview.com
Thu Feb 19 21:18:35 GMT 2004

Hello SLUGgers,

I got hold of a Toshiba Magnia SG20 internet appliance, which is essentially
a legacy free PC running Red Hat 7.3. My intention is, to turn this thing on
in the evening, and let it "mirror" a number of newsgroups for access via
clients on the local network during the day. I want retention to be about a

Access to the Magnia is only via telnet/SSH - there's no keyboard, mouse or

Can anyone give me a pointer as to what I need to install on it to do the
job. Hopefully there'll be RPMs available, as I don't think the Toshiba
"doctored" version of Red Hat has much in the way of development software

I think I probably need to use suck, but I'm also wondering about
alternatives (leafnode?).

I've been on this list for a while, but my experience is pretty limited. I
run Debian on my "normal" PCs.

Thanks for any help,


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