[Scottish] Scottish Server Hosting

ray rayH at engineering-intelligence.co.uk
Thu Feb 26 13:38:38 GMT 2004

On Thursday 26 February 2004 11:23, Andrew Back wrote:
> However I for one would hate to see every co-lo, domain
> registrar and Linux book vendor posting adverts to the list.

The point is that there are several employees and proprietors of service 
provider type businesses who are regular contributors to SLUG, and who manage 
to not  flagrantly tout for business, while still making use of the group's 
"networking" opportunities. If Chris was to turn up at the Counting House 
tonight and buy Willie et al a pint, I might consider him an ally. Spamming 
LUGs should not earn him a sales bonus.  As far as I can tell he has never 
visited us before.

I think that a short factual statement, without the sales pitch, e.g. "Joe 
Bloggs has new co-location prices" plus a link to more information would be 
acceptable together with a suitable subject line, e.g. [Commercial - 
co-location].  That's more or less how it worked on the first technical 
newsgroups, which were much like our mailing list.  Another rule was that you 
had to declare any commercial interest (including working for a competitor) 
in any product that you offered an opinion or information about.

As our neurone has already commented; it's not  that cheap, especially when 
you check the small print, like bandwidth charges and £40-£60 per hour for 
physical access. 


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