[Scottish] Joining SLUG

Gary merlin at project415.org
Wed Jul 14 18:16:02 BST 2004

Graeme Michael Fenwick wrote:

> Hi,
>    I'm interested in finding out more about your LUG; where you meet, 
> how often, what times and so on. I had a quick look at your website, 
> but I can't find those details.

Well, I am in the same position as you |-:

Trekked through the mails and found some of the meeting details.
Some points though, do you need any kind of student id to be in the 
university grounds?
Any suggestions to people that have never been there, ie where to park, 
which entrance to use and possibly which evasive manoeuvres required to 
avoid campus security personnel (-;

Otherwise, I would be tempted to start the second part of the meeting at 
the Counting House earlier than advertised (-;

On another note, are there some stats on who uses what in the lug?
I gave up on RedHat ages ago, kinda fancied Mandrake, but was too bloated.
Tried debian, it was great but it didnt really work for me.

I finally got hooked on FreeBSD and been a used it ever since. 
Professionally, I use Solaris in its various guises.


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