[Scottish] Failed RPM dependencies - what to do about 'em?

TC tc at emailetc.co.uk
Wed Jun 16 22:35:17 BST 2004

 > ummm.
 > average desktop users need their OS to not crash every day. iain

Sheesh, it really is like a religion, isn't it?
This sort of statement shows that it's not just The Evil Empire that 
uses fear,
uncertainty and dread.

Windows doesn't crash "every day".  98, didn't.  2K certainly doesn't.  
And XP is pretty
damn solid.  In my experience, *none* of them are as robust as Linux, 
but get real.
If you want people to believe the Linux story, pick your target. If 
someone chooses Windows
they buy:

- A huge range of *EASY TO INSTALL AND USE* software and hardware
- The ability to share most office-esque documents, most easily, with 
the rest
of the world-in-chains

And they sacrifice:

- Stability (some - a lot even - but not days-of-crash-freeness)
- Security
- Performance
- The warm fuzzy feeling that comes from not treating software as property
(to name but four)

The choice is clear.  Why make up stuff?


P.S. The old MacOS?  Now *that* crashed every day :-)

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