[Scottish] FYI Wireless Network Launch in Paisley

Magnus Lawrie m.lawrie at gmx.net
Fri Feb 25 15:58:30 GMT 2005

Wireless Network Launch
The Wynd Centre, 6 School Wynd, Paisley
Friday 18th March 2005
10:00am commencement

RCVS' pioneering new wireless ICT communication system is to be
officially launched in an all day special event. The multi-media launch
will show exactly what the Wireless Network is capable of: wire-free
connection to the Internet, video conferencing, a dedicated games
server, access to a Community Intranet (which will allow users on the
network to store and share information, participate in forums and
debates and even access on-line training modules on a wide variety of
subjects) and various other benefits.

Events at the launch day will include a games master challenge which
will see gamers from all over Renfrewshire connecting to the Network to
play against each other. One to One video conferencing will be
demonstrated with each connected organisation giving a video
presentation to introduce themselves. There will also be a talk on the
origins of the Wireless Network and Paisley University will be
conducting a short lecture over the Network on its exciting future

For further information please use the contact details below.

Contact Name: Sharon Scally

E-mail: sharon.scally at rcvsweb.co.uk <mailto:sharon.scally at rcvsweb.co.uk>

Telephone: 0141 587 2487

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