[Scottish] Website changes

Ben Thorp THORPB at uk.ibm.com
Tue Nov 1 13:11:31 GMT 2005

While we are looking at changes to the website, it's probably also a decent
time to think about the meetings themselves. We had a long discussion about
this a couple of years ago, so it must be time to revisit it. Additionally,
I believe that Livingstone Tower is going to have renovations done at some
point, and thus will be out of action as a venue (Kenny, I'm sure, will be
able to advise more fully)

It's probably worth it, at this point, to thank Kenny (and Strathclyde Uni)
for the use of Livvy Tower, and all of the guys who've spoken over the last
couple of years. *applause* ;)

Anyway - currently the situation is that we have a meeting in Livvy Tower
from 7.30pm-9.00pm before we retire to the Counting House for beers 'n'
laffs. An informal pre-SLUG curry is also a regular occurance. The
structure of the meeting has tended to be a talk on a given subject,
usually with a Q+A session afterwards. The generic Q+A sessions for all
Linux-related questions that used to come first has not really happened.
We're usually 15-20 in numbers (maybe a few more - I'm rubbish with
counting heads), and we've seen a reasonable flow of newcomers.

So - what we need to ask is:

1. Should we continue with this format?
a) Have we managed the correct blend of 'newbie' vs 'guru' talks?
b) What topics are people interested in hearing about?
c) Should we be looking to develop the format with different 'styles' of
meeting? (ie not just talks and the odd quiz)

If NO:
d) What should we replace it with?

2. Are we continuing to meet the needs of the users who belong to the

3. AOCB?

As most of you will know, I have been (loosely) arranging the talks for the
past couple of years. If somebody else feels that they would like to take
on the mantle, then please do step up - I am by no means 'precious' about
my role, but will continue in it if it is something that is still needed.


scottish-bounces at mailman.lug.org.uk wrote on 01/11/2005 12:29:02:

> A vote has been raised on the scotlug website, and imho it hould getat
> 30 seconds attention from people.
> http://www.scotlug.org.uk/node/view/121 is the address that matters.
> Kyle
> --
> Kyle Gordon
> kyle at lodge.glasgownet.com
> http://lodge.glasgownet.com
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