[Scottish] looking for old BBC Master computer :) {Scanned}

Steve Logan steve at bigsmoke.com
Tue Nov 15 16:13:28 GMT 2005

<old git>
Those were the days...

I did my PhD on a BBC Model B with 64K RAM.  It lived in the middle of 
the labs, had acid, blood, PTFE solution and tea spilt over it on a 
regular basis and it never ever faltered.  The main problem, as I 
recall, was the BASIC interpreter had a 'number of lines' limit so you 
had to put multiple commands on the same line to try and force more in.

Don't make 'em like they used to...

</old git>

Matt Lowe wrote:
> Hi,
> I know its not excatly a linux question, but does anyone out there have 
> any old BBC Master or BBC Master Compact machines? i need one to use on 
> an old piece of hardware ive dug out of the loft, and it wont run on the 
> BBC B's that ive got.
> Thanks
> Matt Lowe
> scotlug <at> mlsis.co.uk
> (T) 07050 615 773

Dr Steve Logan, engineering software
  t: 01764-650085
  e: steve at bigsmoke.com
  w: www.bigsmoke.com

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