[Scottish] O'Reilly Book Reviews

Colin Horne colin.horne at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 20:45:19 GMT 2005

Hey all

Are we participating in the O'Reilly book review offer thingy for UUGs 
and LUGs? (see: http://ug.oreilly.com/bookreviews.html)

If so, does anyone actually know how it works, and which books we can 
review?  The page (linked to above) doesn't seem to be very descriptive: 
"O'Reilly provides copies of our books for your members to review in our 
newsletter, websites, and other book review sites."

It doesn't seem to say which books can we review, when we get the books 
(before or after we review it - if after, how do we review it in the 
first place?), etc.

Any wisdom much appreciated :-)

(Incidently, this is the book I want: AI for Games Developers, by 
David Bourg).


Colin Horne
GPG 0x3DC37936 (http://colinhorne.co.uk/~colin/public_key.gpg)

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