[Scottish] More free stuff

Julian Gibson julian at rjmg.net
Fri Nov 18 12:19:46 GMT 2005

I expect shortly to have 3 or possibly 4 Sun Ultra 2 processors to give
away of the following aprox spec:
1 x 300MHz UltraSparc
4.5GB SCA SCSI disk
CD ROM and floppy built in
no keyboard, mouse or screen
I anyone wants one please let me know otherwise they will go to
Freecyle.org or failing that in a skip.  As they will be coming from a
customer I will need to wipe the disks before passing on.
If anyone can suggest a lightweight and quick to load SPARC compatible
distro I'd like hear from them.
Once they the disks are zapped they will be collectible from the west
end of Glasgow.


julian at rjmg.net                 GnuPG publickey available on request

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