[Scottish] Linux compatible Wireless router??

Chris Nicolson chris at c-nic.org
Tue Nov 7 16:31:18 GMT 2006

Colin.Speirs at scotland.gsi.gov.uk wrote:
> Hi folks
> I am tempted by a Zyxel wireless router (p-660hw) for a dual boot system
> Has anyone had any experience of these beasts and if so do they work
> with Linux?
Assuming it properly implements the standards it says it does (802.11, 
etc) then there is no reason for a Linux computer not to work with it. 
There is mention of a Windows configuration utility which obviously 
wouldn't be of use from the Linux install but it also has a web interface.

As the Linux computer is just acting as a client over standard network 
protocols, which wireless router you use is basically irrelevant. 
Compatibility problems come into play when you start talking about 
wireless interface cards at the other side of the network link for the 
Linux PC itself. Does your computer have a wireless interface that you 
have used before or are you planning on purchasing one for it?

Chris Nicolson
Institute for Communications and Signal Processing
University of Strathclyde, 204 George Street, Glasgow, G1 1XW
+44 (0)141 548 2250

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