[Scottish] processors

Georgia Thomson georgiagrrl at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 21:13:45 GMT 2006

Hi everyone.  just checking if any of you have any of the following
processors lying in your boxes o' bits.  myself and a friend are doing a
similar project and are collecitng pentium CPUs, I'm also collecting older
x86 CPUs.  there's beer tokens and / or beer waiting.

here's the list of what we currently need between us

 2x P60, 2x P66, 2x P75, 1x P90, 1x P100, 2x P120, 2x P150, 2x P166, 2x P200
(all non mmx if poss)

I'm also looking to give a home to any 286, 386 and 486 chips you have lying



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