[Scottish] aKademy2007

Kyle Gordon kyle at lodge.glasgownet.com
Thu Feb 15 21:49:24 GMT 2007

Evening all,

Thought I would take this opportunity to ask a few questions to the
ScotLUG community.

aKademy2007 is coming up at the end of June, and we're in the middle of
preparations for it. We are currently seeking suggestions on where to
hold a formal dinner for approximately 200 people preferably in the
Glasgow city centre area. There's a lot of restaurants out there, but
not many seem to want 200 people. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Also, if anyone is aware of companies that might be interested in
sponsoring the event, please get in touch. If you have any KDE related
presentations that you wish to do, then now's your chance to answer the
call for papers.

Equally, we're interested in any people that would be interested in
helping during the event. Even a couple of hours would go a long way to
helping it run smoothly. The event runs from June 30th to July 7th, and
more details are available at http://akademy2007.kde.org.



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