[Scottish] Talk tonight

Dan Shearer dan at shearer.org
Thu Feb 22 14:56:24 GMT 2007

    Virtualisation: The Latter Days of Steam

or, why Xen only solves only one, short-term problem

and, virtualisation principles in the different kinds of free software

What We'll Do

Where virtualisation is going, what market forces are driving it, and
what free software bods can do about it all anyway.  Most of my previous
virtualisation talks have been along the lines of "this is what it is,
look at these amazing tricks, here's why it is useful, isn't life fun",
such as http://shearer.org/Linux_Virtualisation .  But now
virtualisation has reached a kind of saturation point, everyone will be
doing it over the next year or two, the question is "why should they
choose which solutions". Ah yes, and why Xen isn't helpful.

How We'll Do It

Alpha-test a way of explaining where virtualisation is currently going.
The assembled brains will be asked to hack the approach about. 

I was originally thinking of doing a demo-centric session, but these
days Xenoppix is so easy and powerful, and so many people have seen
QEMU, Hercules, VMware, VirtualBox and so on -- and at one level, they
all look much the same. I could do the amazing stacked virtual machines
demo, but that's more in the realms of party tricks. Demos do make a lot
of sense when it comes to virtualisation as a system and whole network
debugging solution, but that's not what we're doing tonight.

See some of you there. Thanks for the offers of help on irc.


Dan Shearer
dan at shearer.org

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