[Scottish] Re: time spent on Linux stuff...

babaguy babaguy at myway.com
Thu Mar 1 20:52:09 GMT 2007

 Dear J.R., Why would I like to use GNU/Linux?

1) I find it deeply galling that the main OS is completely compromised to the so-called intelligence community. I don't have the slightest thing to hide, but the idea that we are (well, MS users are) completely transparent I find degrading, insulting, and ultimately, I think, it may curtail individual initiative or room for maneuvre. It is  probably counter-productive to our survival culturally and even physically. Boal's phrase "The cop in the head." springs to mind. Personally I've come to terms with "being watched and listened to" a long time ago, and who knows, living openly may affect the watchers/listeners for the better - I certainly hope so, anyway! 

 2) I am very attracted to the deeply cooperative, brotherly/sisterly ethos of the GNU/Linux "movement." I would like to be able to give back to others as you and others have given to me.....

What do I want to DO with GNU/Linux?

1) Write - and be able to easily copy what I write between applications when required.

2) Record and process/produce/edit audio & video content.

3) listen to the radio on the web, watch the occasional movie or clip, create web pages.

DO I need to inter-operate between the world of either MAC or MS and Linux ?

Well, yes, probably, for at least some time to come - the proprietary packages for cutting a movie, for example, say Final Cut Pro or Avid, certainly outclass CV Cinellera - but "class" is not an end in itself for me - as my old friend Lindsay Anderson wrote in the Free Cinema Manifesto "Perfection is not an aim." I would like to make a movie on entirely free/libre platforms & software - I find that very exciting.

Hope you and all are well and happy!


Paul B. 

--- On Thu 03/01, J.R. Seago < j.r.seago at dsl.pipex.com > wrote:

From: J.R. Seago [mailto: j.r.seago at dsl.pipex.com]To: scottish at mailman.lug.org.ukDate: Thu, 1 Mar 2007 16:25:54 +0000Subject: [Scottish] Re: time spent on Linux stuff...It might be a good idea to get back to the beginning. First of all think about why you want to use GNU/Linux. Secondly, decide what you want it to do. Thirdly, do you need to be able to inter-operate between GNU/Linux and Microsoft, (if you do you'll need to have at least Open Office).Let us, the rest of the mailing list subscribers, have the answers to the three questions above, in as short a message as possible, and then we can arrive at a point where we can advise you on what distribution would suit your needs and wants. We can then go on from there.-- J.R. SeagoGNU/Linux Registered User No. #219566 http://counter.li.org/() ascii ribbon campaign - against html mail / - against microsoft attachments _______________________________________________Scottish mailing 
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