[Scottish] Re: time spent on Linux stuff...

Gary merlin at project415.org
Thu Mar 1 21:23:42 GMT 2007

babaguy wrote:
>  Dear J.R., Why would I like to use GNU/Linux?
> 1) I find it deeply galling that the main OS is completely compromised to the so-called intelligence community. I don't have the slightest thing to hide, but the idea that we are (well, MS users are) completely transparent I find degrading, insulting, and ultimately, I think, it may curtail individual initiative or room for maneuvre. It is  probably counter-productive to our survival culturally and even physically. Boal's phrase "The cop in the head." springs to mind. Personally I've come to terms with "being watched and listened to" a long time ago, and who knows, living openly may affect the watchers/listeners for the better - I certainly hope so, anyway! 
Say what? Intelligence community? You working on some conspiracy theory?
What makes you think Big brother is out there to get 'MS users' ?


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