[Scottish] Dundee Linux Meeting 13th

Arron M Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 6 10:43:32 BST 2007

Hi Guys,

Just a quick email to let you guys know that we have a meeting scheduled
for the 13th in the city of discovery (Dundee ;-)).  We normally hold
them in the Students Association building, however due to a week of
freshers events we have had to move the venue to across the road in the
main university campus.  There will be a couple of volunteers down
stairs to show you people how to get to where it is being held.  The
address is;

The University of Abertay Dundee,
Bell Street,
(room 4505)

This meeting is originally designed to pull all the work for freshers
fair together, and getting ready to speak to potential new Linux users.
We have been running a temporary forum to host howto guides, and tips
and such sort of information.  We have been looking for critique and
advice from Linux users old and new, to kinda get a rough idea of what
we think new users are looking from both our society and the Linux
community in general.  If you do have some spare time on Thursday
evening the meeting kicks off at 7 and we're normally finished by 8 and
off for a quick pint so it would be nice to put some names to faces. 

If you can't make a meeting but you still want to see the work that's
been prepared for freshers fair, and have any ideas that may come in
handy for us the URL of the temporary forum is
http://asl.justdontask.co.uk - You will need to register but it is a
quick and painless process

Have a good one guys

Arron M Finnon

Abertay Linux Society

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