[Scottish] Unsubscribing (was: Jotismland)

Claudio Calvelli scotlug at intercal.org.uk
Thu Dec 8 09:58:33 UTC 2011

> And these instructions would be where?  They're not at the bottom of
> this email and the only link goes to an HTTPS page that is likely to
> chuck up an "Invalid certificate" warning which people would rightly be
> disinclined to add an exception for without doing some research first.
> And do we forget that some mail systems do use the subject "unsubscribe"
> as a way to, well, unsubscribe?

Well, there's a "List-Unsubscribe" header which your mail client may or
may not understand:
  List-Unsubscribe: <https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/options/scottish>,
        <mailto:scottish-request at mailman.lug.org.uk?subject=unsubscribe>

> Is it not possible to make everyone's life easier by simply having an
> "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the email?  Once it's that obvious,
> then one might be justified in publicly chastising people.

Probably.  There's no particular reason why the "list-unsubscribe" link
can't be repeated in the message footer.  We'd have to ask the list

> Sorry if I seem rude and I am not trying to have a go at you
> specifically, Claudio.

That's OK, I wasn't reading it like that.

> For those who wish to unsubscribe:

Or send mail to scottish-request at the appropriate domain with subject
"unsubscribe" (note: do not send mail to the list, but to the
"-request" address).

> (For the avoidance of doubt, I do not wish to unsubscribe)



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