[Scottish] Student vacancy - Xtrahost.co.uk

Ivan Groenewald ivang2 at xtrahost.co.uk
Mon Jul 23 12:48:18 UTC 2012

*Vacancy Title*
Systems Administrator / Programmers (Computing Students)

*Employer Information*
Xtraordinary is a 10 years established business web-hoster currently investing heavily in developing a cloud computing platform.
This role is based in a modern office adjacent to an Internet Datacentre.

*Job Role*
Responsibilities may include some or all of:

* server and software installation and configuration
* programming / scripting
* software testing
* technical administration (e.g. equipment audits, domain registration, cabling, storage & dispatch etc)
* customer support by phone and email

*Skill Requirements*
Informatics students or those with a significant computing course content.

* programming and scripting ability
* Linux/Unix/BSD or Windows Server systems administration
* PC hardware repair

We are looking for a student who wishes to work full time during the summer then part time during term time.
During vacations - 40 hours per week.
During term 15 hours per week. Hours to suit university timetable.

South Gyle, West Edinburgh. Bus from city centre takes 20 mins and runs every few minutes.

*Pay Rate*
Gross hourly pay rate is £8.00 per hour.

*Application Procedure*
Send CV and a covering letter explaining why you are interested in the job by email in Word, rtf or pdf format to:
student.recruitment at xtrahost.co.uk

Ivan Groenewald 
Chief Technology Officer
Tel: 0800 781 6061
Xtraordinary Networks Ltd.
Offices in London and Edinburgh

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