[Sderby] Other ways to spot a geek!!
Tony Martin
sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Oct 27 20:19:01 2002
1. Premature balding with an urge to comb the edges onto the top (Only full
time geeks do this.)
2. They own more computers than clean socks
3. They know the names of all the guest stars on Star Trek
4. They will spend hours getting a huge pile of old junk to work as a ADSL
router, when a small box for PC World would do.
5. They know their I.P. address, DNS server address, and routing table off
by heart, but would still forget their girlfriends birthaday (If they had
one 8)
6. They know more TLA and FLA's than they do friends (Threee letter and four
letter acronyms)
7. They are blokes
8. They feel that the portrayal of geeks on Buffy was harsh and unfair, and
they really would not want to try and take over the world.
9. They allways read to the bottom of any list 8)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mini Mike" <hemstock@tiscali.co.uk>
To: <sderby@mailman.lug.org.uk>
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 6:24 PM
Subject: [Sderby] Friday's meeting
Last Friday's meeting went ahead and was a sound sucess! We had a grand
out of 5 and a good time was had by all. The only issue that arose was how
do new memebers find the group? The answer: "Look for the geeks!" gave rise
to the question: "What does a geek look like?" Some research on google has
turned up some interesting points:
* Geeks like science fiction
* Geeks like technology
* Geeks are very intelligent
* Geeks love solving problems
* Geeks make the best lovers
* Geeks love fixing things
I guess that means Star Trek tee-shirts and a laptop on the table running a
Rubiks Cube simulator! Apparently other features are a complex digital
watch and a Swiss Army Knife. A final test (with bouncers on stand-by) is
throw in a question like: "Kirk or Picard" and wait to see if sparks fly!
To make things simpler, I'm tring to arrange a Penguin!
See you all next week.
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