[Sderby] Friday's meeting

David Jolley sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Oct 27 17:57:01 2002

* Mini Mike (hemstock@tiscali.co.uk) wrote:
> All,
> Last Friday's meeting went ahead and was a sound sucess!  We had a grand turn 
> out of 5 and a good time was had by all.  The only issue that arose was how 
> do new memebers find the group?  The answer: "Look for the geeks!" gave rise 
> to the question: "What does a geek look like?"  Some research on google has 
> turned up some interesting points:
Seconded.  It's nice to be able to put faces to names here, too.
The finding algorithm used was slightly suboptimal, although everyone
got there in the end.  You forgot "tenacious" in your list of geek
qualities :)

> To make things simpler, I'm tring to arrange a Penguin!
http://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/suse.html#penguin do you?

> See you all next week.



Pieces of seven! Pieces of seven!
	Halt on critical fault:  Parroty error.