[Sderby] RE:C/C++

astraguy sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Sep 1 00:03:00 2002

Hello All,
I have at last managed to load  Borlands Kylix software 
for programming this version is a free visual one I 
think that it maybe a Delphi version because the 
Delphi code that I have been using for several years 
works on Linux now.
This program is on the SuSe 8.0 cd discs there is also 
a copy of Borlands J C++ in the same directory ,I have 
not tried the C++ version yet because it makes bigger 
source code files and takes much longer to build and 
You have to get a reg key from " www.borland.co.uk " 
if you are interested in the download page choose Kylix 2 
and click on the I have downloaded the software ,
If you go for Borland J C++ builder go to that page and do 
the same ,
Run the program enter the reg key and you are up and 
running and is you go to "blong.com" you will find a tuturiol 
on his site for both programs,
My only problem is that I have to start the program using 
the run option but I think that I should be able to add 
Kylix 2 to the program menue must check the manual,

One last thing if you buy the latest version Kylix 3 you can 
use Delphi and C++ code in the same compiler.
Regards Mike