[Sderby] Wondered whether you might be able to help

Chris Thompstone chris_thompstone at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Dec 21 19:19:55 GMT 2003

My name is Chris.  I got your address of the linux web site and was
wondering if you could help me/ give me a few pointers.

If this is not your line of 'work', then please delete message and ignore.
(sorry for any inconvience)

Now that's over with....

I live on the edge of south Derbys.

Anyway onto the point..

I have recently installed linux on my older computer and am having trouble
with the modem (heard it all before don't tell me).  It is a us robotics usb
adsl 9000 modem.  The drivers for this modem are on their website.
and http://www.usr-emea.com/support/s-prod-template.asp?loc=unkg&prod=9000
so I thought I would follow the instrustions and maybe it would work.

First link is the instructions and second the driver download page.

Installed the mod as descripted and that seemed OK, i.e. got lots of blurrb
racing up the screen.
but the 'NOTE: DSP firmware files will be located in the /etc/analog
directory' don't seem to be there.

Anyway decided to carry on but noticed the directory in the sentence below
doesn't seem to exit
'Each time you plug in in the USB cable, the kernel will call the
application in /etc/hotplug/usb/adiusbadsl to set up your modem.'  i.e.

nor do these dirs/files :/etc/analog/usradslpots.conf

next:  Don't know whether step 3 PPPoE is applicable to me since we only use
PPPoA in the UK, so decided to skip to PPPoA.  That doesn't go exactly as
planned either, anyway by the end of it all nothing happens much!, 'hardware
not found'

Any help you could offer would be much appricated, since I think it would
only take a bit of sorting for someone who understands linux a bit better
than me.

Thanks Again,
Chris Thompstone.

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