[Sderby] squid proxy servers?

sderby@mailman.lug.org.uk sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Feb 17 11:04:01 2003

Latency always shows up most on 'chatty' HTTP 1.0 downloads,  file transfers generate far fewer 'conversations' and can actually work quite well over satellite links.  Its on interactive transfers that latency messes up

I quite like the idea that Andrew put forward for delegating the 'how big is this download going to be'  to a custom proxy that interrogates the target URL.  Neat.  Just shows that we keep on learning.


"Graeme Phillipson" <graeme@charndyn.com> wrote:

>Thanks for the resposne, your right the request itsn't enough information, I
>guess a proxy server isn't enough.
>The two browsers option, might well be the best solution, one of them could
>be a download manager of some kind so it wouldn't be all that strange to the
>The satalite link does have pretty high latency, about 500ms each way, but
>thats not the cause of the trouble here (its insignificant if your
>downloading linux isos). Its quite an odd system, the satalite router has a
>proxy of its own, which you must use, if you don't you allways get very slow
>speeds. I had supposed that the proxy reformats the data in some way, to
>make it more appropriate for the way the satalite system works. It works
>really well with one connection at a time, but multiplexing a connection
>allways seems to make it painfully slow.
>NTL do sell in this area, but not to bisnesses. It doesn't matter how much
>money you threaten to pay them, they just wont do it. They actually dug up
>the pavement infront of us to put some cables in, and then dont sell to us!
>Its a bit bad, instead of going three feet through the ground our data goes
>55000km to geostationry orbit and back!

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