[Sderby] Knoppix - An interesting idea

Ashley Heath sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Jan 26 22:12:01 2003

Discovered Knoppix about a week ago and have been looking further into it, for those who don't know what it is, it is a Debian based distro that runs completely from CD. It really is quite impressive, when it boots it autodetetcts and configures all your hardware and lauches straight into a fully functioning KDE system with loads of common applications pre installed and ready to run ie open office, koffice , mozilla , konqueror and many more
Knoppix is ideal for introducing folk to Linux without going the whole hog and reformatting their box, gives them a chance to play with it at their leisure and get used to Linux.

Knoppix is also customisable for anyone who wants to take up the challenge, there is a CD re-mastering howto on the knoppix website. Basically you can create you own custom distro that runs from CD and does whatever you need. Ideal for making rescue CD's, demo disks, custom installations etc

May be a good base for your firewalling project Mike, what do you think? A complete skipper system ready to run? Or maybe a system designed for Amateur radio.


Knoppix can also be run from a network bootable pc and installed on a hard disk if desired. 

Feel a project coming on