[Sderby] Different Identities

Dave Coulson david.coulson6 at btopenworld.com
Mon Nov 24 14:44:04 GMT 2003

Following on from the query the other day as to whether I was THE Dave 
Coulson of PCPlus fame, I thought you might like the following story of 
my error.
I have been having some email problems and duly sent myself an email of 
the "Just Testing" variety which didn't seem to work. So I sent another 
and eventually all seemed well. The next day however an irate email 
appeared in my Inbox saying " Why the h### do I keep receiving Testing 
emails from you." signed by David Coulson.
The funny thing is that I am sure that I addressed them correctly to 
myself, so can only assume that the server was having an off day.
Cheers David Coulson (the Derby LUG one)
Life gets so difficult these days!!!!

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