[Sderby] S.u.S.E. 8.2 etc.

Graham Hamblin graham_hamblin24SYZYGY at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 29 13:16:08 BST 2003


"Linux Exporium are selling the full pro boxed version of 8.2 for £25, 
so I would think that 8.3 must be fairly imminent."

PCWorld are selling the Pro version for £20 and the other one for £10.

I am sorry to hear John is going to do other things because he has been 
a good source of help in the past.

So I rejoined the group, a couple of weeks ago, cured of years of 
devotion to Slackware I now have S.u.S.E. 8.2 on my box.

The addition to my email address seems to have foiled the spammers, 150 
odd mucky pictures a day before, none now.   Mozilla 1.4 which off the 
Linux Format Mag., when I was using Slackware, was promising in 
remembering and sorting spam.    Just hope it's included in the next 
S.uS.E. release.

Still using a modem, wonder how anyone else is coping with Linux and 
broadband.   I only have an old box, no usb ports only com ports.   How 
do you guys do it on old boxes.

Graham Hamblin
Burton upon Trent.
200 yds from the Derbys border.

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