[Sderby] Anyone fancy a challenge?

Mike Hemstock hemstock at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Feb 21 09:47:51 GMT 2004


Do any of you folks fancy a little challenge?  I'm writing some PHP pages.  
All of the users of this will have mailmail accounts using Squirrelmail.  I 
would like to make the mailto: links in the code take the users to the 
compose page in SQM with the email address inserted into the To: field.  The 
PHP I'm writing requires users to be authenticated.  The account credentials 
are synchronised between the PHP code and SQM.  I would like the users to be 
autologged on to SQM because they will have already been authenticated by the 
PHP pages.

So far, I have figured out how to pass the email address to SQM so that it 
will be used in To:.  However, I cannot work out how to autologon SQM.  The 
logon, I assume, will be recorded using $_SESSION and $_COOKIE variables.  I 
have dumped the ones in use using the code:



foreach ($_SESSION as $key=>$value) {
	print "\$_SESSION[\"$key\"] == $value<br>"; }

foreach ($_COOKIE as $key=>$value) {
	print "\$_COOKIE[\"$key\"] == $value<br>"; }


However, if I try to set these variables and then move to SQM it still thinks 
I'm not logged in.  I have also been through the SQM code, but I seem to be 
getting lost.

If anyone is at a loose end waiting for their Rubiks Cube to be repaired or 
can offer me any lines of enquiry, I would be most grateful.


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