[Sderby] This thing called Windoze.

Graham Hamblin graham at hamblin24.f9.co.uk
Wed May 5 13:57:48 BST 2004


The other day I ordered a new box from Dell.   They refuse to supply it 
without Windoze pre-installed and I am awaiting delivery.

I don't want Windoze in any shape or form having used Linux exclusively 
now for about ten years.

Just wondering about the options.   When I boot the thing up will it 
give me the option of refusing the Microsoft licence?   If it does can 
I return it and get some dough back?   This stranglehold by the Gate's 
lot on the supply of new computers really pees me off.   Dell supply 
servers with RedHat installed and I would have gladly accepted RedHat 
without strings as an alternative to Windoze, not an option.

Not a member of the man-lug group so any replies from there I would 
appreciate a CC to my address, thanks in anticipation.

Graham Hamblin.

Graham Hamblin
S.u.S.E. Linux

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