[Sderby] Power over Ethernet

Patrick Barber patrick.barber at tiscali.co.uk
Sat Jan 15 15:16:12 GMT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Derek Huskisson wrote:

| On Friday 14 Jan 2005 16:28, Mike Hemstock wrote:
|> Folks,
|> I'm having trouble getting PoE to work through a firewall.  The
|> device will not power up using PoE.  If I put a adapter directly
|> into it I can see data traveling through the firewall, but not
|> power.  I have ran tcpdump and there appears to be no power
|> getting through.  I assume there must be a way to create rules to
|> allow power through the firewall, but I have grepped the iptables
|> man page and searched on google and can't find anything.  I tried
|> doing iptables -F to flush the rules and allow anything through,
|> but the firewall is still not passing power.  Does anyone know if
|>  there are any specific rules to enable power through iptables
|> for Power over Ethernet enabled devices?  I assume Power over
|> Ethernet travels via UDP?  Does anyone know what port its on?
|> Mike.
| I might be misunderstanding the issue here but I thought that PoE
| used the unused pairs in RJ45 wiring and so if the power doesn't
| get through the firewall then its a conductivity problem between
| the input and output sockets on the firewall and nothing to do with
| iptables or UDP etc. If this misses the problem all together then
| just quietly delete the email.
| Derek
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Ithink somebody fell for the problem hook line and sinker..........

- --

~    Patrick Barber
~    email: patrick.barber at tiscali.co.uk
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~    Registered Linux User #332139

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~        Is the light at the end of the tunnel an on coming train?
~    </thought>
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