[Sderby] sderby@mailman.lug.org.uk

Andy Micklethwaite andy.mick at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 6 20:16:14 BST 2007


I've just joined the list as I suspect I may have to get re-acquainted with
Linux soon - I've tried a couple of times before and given up for various
reasons! However, my wife is a teacher, so I am her unofficial IT advisor,
and I keep advocating OSS rather than paying vast sums of money to M$.

Q1: Does anyone know of any primary schools in Derby/shire already using
Linux? If so workstations or servers?

Q2: Which distro? Is Ubuntu a good place to start? Does Edubuntu offer any

Q3: Grub or Lilo? - I need to maintain a Windoze setup on my desktop.

Q4: I plan to access Linux from my Windoze laptop across a wireless network
(so keeping the noisy desktop shut away!). VNC or an X-client on Windoze?

Q5: Can Linux act as a server to a network of Windoze workstations which use
a server-based domain to manage logins? Sorry, I've not yet learned all the
technical terms for this sort of thing not having much network experience. I
think I had file and print sharing going the last time I tried Linux

Q6: Any Moodlers out there?

I'd appreciate any comments you may have!

Thanks, Andy.
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