[Sderby] Winmodem-Linmodem continuation 1

Steve Tickle steve.tickle at clara.co.uk
Tue Mar 13 19:38:37 GMT 2007

On Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:16:07, lauri <lauri at onetel.com> wrote:

> My thanks are due to:
>   SiG for suggestion that I should try to get info on the chipset. 
> The results are in the accompanying attachment.
>   Steve Tickle for pointing out I could solve the .gz difficulty in 
> linux. I eventually worked out how to reach the windoze file through 
> linux and using the commands supplied extracted and ran the file.

No problem there. Thanks for reminding me (albeit implicitly) that you 
had to download the file via Windoze as without a working linmodem, you 
can't access the Interweb-thingy via Linux.

Btw, once you're in Linux, type man tar and you'll get the manual page 
for the tar application. In fact, type "man" followed by just about any 
command and you'll get the manual page for that command.

Finally, have have and don't give up. I'm self taught in Linux and I'm 
certainly nowehere near ever becoming an expert. In fact, I always say I 
know enough to be able to get into trouble with Linux but not always 
enough to get out. :-)

And finally, finally, I've always found that members of the Linux 
community are almost always more than happy to help newbies convert from 
Windoze and are very generous with both their knowledge and patience.

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