[Ssom] South Somerset LUG

Phil Wood phil at pwood.net
Wed Nov 11 12:42:10 UTC 2009

Hi Mark.

I'd certainly be interested.  The Dorset group meet in a pub and that 
seems to work quite well. The problem seems to be finding a pub that is 
quiet enough to hold a conversation and has wifi. The first is probably 
more important, along with decent beer of course.

I did come across a website that listed pubs with wifi. I'll try and 
find it again. Could be a good excuse to try a few of them out.

Mark Fraser wrote:
> It's been a while since I've seen anything posted in this mailing list and 
> www.ssom.lug.org.uk redirects to lug.org.uk.
> I would like to try to get some meetings set up for the new year somewhere 
> near to Yeovil. Is anyone else interested in doing this and possibly have an 
> idea where we could meet?

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