[StAndrews LUG] Hi
standrews at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sun Dec 15 02:11:01 2002
> anybody tried it ? or would I be betetr setting up
> the Linux PC as ther
> server and get windows XP to route through that
> (also just installed ADSL)
This is almost certainly the better route. Networking
under any Unix varient is far superior than under
Windows. It's pretty easy to set up packet forwarding
etc. Plus, you don't have to fight with Windows'
insufficient packet manager. Do a google search for
Linux Router Project and see what they come up with.
What ADSL modem do you have? The Linux drivers are
superb for the Alcatel USB modems, I hear.
If you have a spare 486/P100 or you know a friend with
one you might like to try installing SmoothWall on it.
I've had great success with this before, and it's a
very cheap way of getting several computers to share
one internet connection.
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