[StAndrews and Fife LUG] Linux and windows

David Tillotson standrews at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Jun 7 23:01:00 2003

In message <200306071450.59534."brian.duncan@fife.co.uk"@?>, 
"brian.duncan@fife.co.uk" <?@?.?.invalid> writes
>My WinXP system kind of died (i.e. trhe networking side of it just 
>seemed to not want to communicate) so now I've set up a Win98 PC from

If you're using an Intel NIC, you'll have to re-install the drivers 
after a Windows Update(tm) - This bit me at work when one of the PCs 
stopped seeing the network for ~20 minutes at a time!

>bits and pieces I had around.  now I can't get access to internet and 
>I'm sure its to do with the firwall (shorewall).  I've tried switching 
>all off but to no avail by playing with different rules . I did a flush 
>and then tried to set up a rule to allow all.

A flush and reload of rules /should/ rule out the firewall chains being 
responsible (unless the masqing is seriously fscked!)

>the Win98 PC can use samba to view the folders on the linux box so I 
>know the network is functioning.
>I'm looking for some advice to set up the firewall to allow the Win PC 
> to get access to the internet. I also did try Internet 
>Connection Sharing wizard in MDK Control panel but it doesn't make any 
>difference. anybody any suggestions (ip_forward is set to1 )

As a quick test of whether it's a Windows problem, try booting a Knoppix 
CD. If that can get out (with the appropriate config), the error is 
definitely in Windows, and not the firewall. If not, then check all the 
settings on the firewall ("iptables -L" should list all your currently 
active chains. I would suggest running iptraf or ethereal, but analysing 
the output requires slightly more magic than SCSI termination IME :)

If you're using DHCP, check that the daemon is feeding the correct 
default gateway to the clients. If you're using static IPs, check that 
you have the gateway set to the right IP (same issue as for DHCP.)
This used to be a favourite of mine when returning from holiday - some 
prat would have set up a new (or re-installed) PC using documentation 
that was >3 years out of date, resulting in using the accountants laptop 
as the default gateway (the old IP selections were totally bizarre. 
Until I fixed them we had 192.168.2.[4,9,15,45,105,176,192,201,202,203] 
with 15 as the gateway!)
David Tillotson