[StAndrews and Fife LUG] Linux - Mandrake

brian duncan standrews at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Mar 18 00:01:01 2003

Hi David,
did some digging about and found that some of the chap and pap files had =
numerous passwords in them. so removed to a single entry.
also used the configuration as in http://christophe.delord.free.fr/en/ads=

with one change,  I used /usr/sbin/pppoe  instead of the pppoa3 file.
so lets see how long it is up for now.

regards Brian

On Monday 17 Mar 2003 09:19, David Tillotson wrote:
> In message <00cf01c2ec5c$ef8b37e0$0201a8c0@SFL2>, bbd
> <brian.duncan@fife.co.uk> writes
> >having managed to get the WinXP system connected and running I know fi=
> >that Mandrake and the Alcatel modem can't recover after a boot and I l=
> >the connection.  the only way I seem to get is to remove the modem.
> >reconfigure the connections, reboot, add the modem, reconfigure networ=
> >connections.  linux and/or the modem seems to hang up after a while.
> I assume that you have the "squashed frog" USB modem. Which drivers are
> you using? Apparently the Benoit drivers are more stable than Alcatel's
> own ones, so they may be worth a try (Google for "alcatel benoit" shoul=
> find it).
> >3 or 4 times this week I've had to do that and it takes hours to recov=
> > the problem. so I've had to go back onto Win XP and look for plan B.
> It may be worth moving the modem onto the XP system, and using the ICS
> stuff in XP - not as secure, I know, but obviously more stable (did I
> just say XP more stable than Linux?!?!)
> A better solution (although it does require a little expense) is to get
> a decent router/modem. I got my Alcatel SpeedTouch Home for =A335 on eB=
> but my personal recommendation is the SpeedTouch 510 v4 which includes =
> built-in 4 port switch (~=A395 from dslsource.co.uk). I set one up for =
> client last week - took all of 30 seconds to get 4 PCs on line! It
> includes a full dhcp server enabled by default, so you just set your
> NICs to auto-assign addresses, access the pretty web interface on the
> router, type in your ADSL user details, and click "connect".
