[Fife Linux Users Group] Archives Archives Archives

Chase chase at fifelug.org.uk
Sat Aug 6 17:19:54 BST 2005

This is my attempt at retreavin all the posts which are forever lost to the 
nether-void of the interweb. Flung to the cosmos in tiny bits of information 
barely remembered and soon forgotten. Like a fart in a strong wind. during my 
illadvised mail clean up :-(

Im looking for anyone who has kept a copy of all the Mailinglist posts so fare 
(or as many as you got) I i dont _really_ want to try getting them all off 
the archives so that would just bugger up dates and senders etc... you see 
the problem any one out there who can help?

**Stay Sane***

**E-mail: chase at fifelug.org.uk
**Web:    http://www.fifelug.org.uk

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