[Fife Linux Users Group] Archives Archives Archives

David Tillotson pinky at acmelabs.co.uk
Sat Aug 6 21:56:52 BST 2005

On Sat, 06 Aug 2005 17:18:58 +0100, Chase <chase at fifelug.org.uk> wrote:
> This is my attempt at retreavin all the posts which are forever lost to  
> the
> nether-void of the interweb. Flung to the cosmos in tiny bits of  
> information
> barely remembered and soon forgotten. Like a fart in a strong wind.  
> during my
> illadvised mail clean up :-(

Does anything ever work as planned? :-P

> Im looking for anyone who has kept a copy of all the Mailinglist posts  
> so fare
> (or as many as you got) I i dont _really_ want to try getting them all  
> off
> the archives so that would just bugger up dates and senders etc... you  
> see
> the problem any one out there who can help?

Turns out you're in luck! I have a habit of simply storing everything but  
spam in relevantly identified directories, so have the whole shebang  
(literally I think, being LUG member #2!) stored here! Let me know what  
format is most useful, and I'll stick on my swerver!

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