[Fife Linux Users Group] Fife Lug Meeting for October

Chase chase at fifelug.org.uk
Fri Oct 7 00:48:21 BST 2005

After this month alot o people been having problems find the info they need to 
know about meetings!
Here's what to do from now on all meeting arrangements will go threw this 
mailinglist, any decisions made during IRC chats should be forwarded on to 
the mailing list, _so everyone knows_. Some of the members (i know for a 
fact) don't read the forums :-( (Sigh) so news cant be finalised there ether. 
The mailing list is the best place for all group wide decisions! 

**Stay Sane***

**E-mail:  stuart at iduniken.com
**Phone:   07886460232
**Web:     http://www.iduniken.com

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**Stay Sane***

**E-mail:  chase at fifelug.org.uk
**Web:     http://www.fifelug.org.uk

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