[StALUG] Fwd: lugmaster Digest, Vol 281, Issue 1

Rory Beaton rb36 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Sun Aug 29 14:01:04 UTC 2010

from the LUGmaster mailing list:

Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 01:13:37 +0100
From: Ralph Corderoy <ralph at inputplus.co.uk>
Subject: [lugmaster] Windows applications making GRUB 2 unbootable.
To: lugmaster at mailman.lug.org.uk
Message-ID: <20100829001338.18871433A at blake.inputplus.co.uk>


Stalwart Colin Watson has a brief article explaining the problem with
Grub 2 on a dual-boot Windows/Linux system.  It seems some Windows'
applications assume they can use the first bit of the disk for their
protection schemes, trampling Grub 2 in the process.  (Grub 1 was
smaller.)  He's looking for samples where it happens to try and work
around the issue.  I thought it may be of interest to LUGs, and would
widen his search.



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