[Sussex] MTAs (was: Testing testing 1..2..3..)

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Fri Aug 23 10:03:01 UTC 2002

> It was four years ago that I switched from Solaris x86 to
> Linux.  At that time I had to choice my MUA.  The advice I
> got from a long time pine users was use mutt.  It can do
> everything that pine can do an more.  -  Sorry pine users.

Mutt has always seemed quicker and easier to me.  I used Pine back at Uni,
but that's long enough ago for my finger to have lost the keycombo-s.
> If you do use pine, then mutt is configurable enough that 
> you can place those hardwired pine commands on the same
> keys.  Being a vanilla mutt users I haven't gone down this
> route. However the person advising me to use mutt made the
> switch by doing just that.  There may well be example config
> set-ups out on the net.   (Debian users check in
> /usr/share/doc/mutt/examples - that's were I would expect 
> them to be if such example ship with the mutt source.)

Good tip :)

- geoff

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