[Sussex] Here we go...

Dominic dominic.clay at btinternet.com
Sun Dec 1 15:24:01 UTC 2002

On Sun, 2002-12-01 at 14:01, Macdonald-Wallace, Matthew J wrote:
> OK, two days later and I'm still installing... :o)

Me too!  Cheers all for the Debian help at / after the meet :)

> Gnome is compiling as we speak and I'll emerge mozilla later on today when
> I'm happy with the base setup.

Gnome is next for me!  
> This is more like it, only installing the packages I want, not having to put
> up with the crap DeadRat installs on my HD... ;o)

Absolutely!  Deb's apt-get rules too :)  I'll be changing all work
servers away from bulky RH when I get the chance.

> I'll let you know when I've finished!

If you're anything like me, you'll never be *quite* finished :)


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