[Sussex] CORBA

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Tue Dec 3 11:13:00 UTC 2002

Steve wrote:
> Three different ones - we must be right then :-)

If it pleases you, I should say you were the first to say it ;-)

> ORBit is a C ORB (I don't know about ORBit2) used by Gnome.

Ugh!  THat goes against the grain.  If I'm going to write objects I want to
do it in an object orientated manner!  I want to play with C++ and Ruby
interoperability, across a network using IIOP.

> omniORB I think is C++, and given your a C++ guy I am 
> guessing that you want
> a C++ orb.  Having looked a the binding for a C ORB I'd say 
> you really want
> to use a C++ ORB.  If you pick a C ORB and then put a C++ 
> wrapper around it
> you really would be inventing the wheel twice.


> I'd recommend TAO (http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html):
>   1). It may not be GPLed but it's free (as it is being developed at 
>        Washington U
>   2). It has real time settings and is very configurable.
>   3). There are a number of on-line documents on using it as it
>   4). 
> Most of the other ORBs are commersical products that have 
> been released 
> to the OOS communit.....
> Well that's my $0.02 worth

Thanks Steve,

I'll take a look at TAO and see where I get.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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