[Sussex] 17/12/2002 Time and place

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Thu Dec 12 08:41:00 UTC 2002

John  wrote:
>As I haven't lived in Brighton for 3 
> years, I don't
> know where Mama Cherries??? is, but there are quite a few 
> pubs in and around
> the lanes, although if you end up out on the sea front, don't go into
> "Doctor Brighton's" between Pool Valley and the Old Ship - 
> looks out toward
> the beach - UNLESS - you want to visit one of brighton's 
> newer gay bars -
> I'm sure that the regular clientele, are pleasant people, but 
> some find that
> sort of thing a little sordid and distasteful!!!!

Mamma Cherri's is next to Doctor Brighton's in Little East Street -  a map
is available here:


As there is a Druid's something or other in East Street  (the next road a
long from Little East Street) maybe we should meet there at 7:30pm (or there
abouts) to have a pint before heading to Momma Cherri's at 8:00pm.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
geoff at tealeg.uklinux.net
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