[Sussex] Test

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Nov 4 09:15:02 UTC 2002


On 11/3/2002 at 3:39 PM Nik Butler wrote
> Please no....... (Nik are you mad?)
> aaaaah c'mon. the resturaunts are average,
                                    ^ At best
>                                            the parking irrelevant if
> you park in crawley (for free I might add) and get a train (1.20 return)
              ^ Then why not party in Crawley?
> the associatted resturaunts are not to shabby. on the and you have
> access for anyone arriveing by train ( which Im taking as the route for
> those> in favour of drinking or in need of easy access ) .
> As for ambience <grin> I say we bring our own ... heheh 

I tried to buy a bottle of "Ambience" in PC World this morning.  They didn't
have any.  Which of those non-Geek shops sells the stuff.

> > Have I made myself clear? :-)
> yeah... but it was just a first suggestion, rein in the virtriol <grin>

School report: Must try harder next time!

> and I thought about it cause I actually considered a convenient place
> for Mrs Ford to get access to as well as any other members who need good
> access.. that was all. 

The problem there is that Natalie agrees with me that Gatport Airwick is not
a place that she thinks is right.

> most places to meet for drinks and food by now are a real bitch to
> reserve.

All to true :-(

I did raise the subject a few weeks back (two months) but nothing happended.
At this stage I would suggest that we just pick a pub somewhere mid-week.

> Still if we are all in consensus as to no at Gatwick is there somewhere
> where we can ensure 
> 1. Ease of Access for all members
> 2. Good available parking and transport
> 3. good choice of meals and drinks.
> 4. options of after meal entertainment .... 

Count so far:

Gatwick:     1 (Nik)
Non-Gatwick: 2 (Natalie & Steve)

Okay the rest of you Slugs it to commit.  How many are up for a Christmas 


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