[Sussex] Solwise SAR715

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Tue Nov 12 08:57:05 UTC 2002


A friend of mine has just bought a Solwise SAR715 ADSL modem / router.  I
was at his place until after midnight last night trying to get this thing
working with no success, the docs are awful!

We managed to get it to ping IP outside the LAN (breifly), but DNS was

Frankly the Thomson/Alcatel Speedtouch 510 is a much better bet if you're in
the market for broadband kit - it took me sub 1hr to get it doing everything
I need - it's a lot more expensive but you pay for what you get in terms of
ease of setup.

Anyhow.  I know someone on this list has got solwise kit up and running -
Jon(?).  All he needs is as follows:

The router has a fixed WAN IP.
The router provides DHCP for the internal network.
The router does NAT for addresses in the internal network.
He doesn't mind where DNS happens from, so long as it happens ;)

But this seems to be beyond the scope of the setup guide.  Frankly we got to
the point 
where we were just waving a dead chicken at it to see if it works - voodoo
programming I can do.. voodoo router config is not my bag baby :(

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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