[Sussex] Solwise SAR715

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Nov 13 08:35:01 UTC 2002

Thanks John!

Good link - it proved very useful.  What you describe is pretty much as the
manual says.

However the first big problem is that the firmware needed to be updated as
the preinstalled firmware was drawing it's pension and beared about as much
relation to the documented interface as George Best does to Wayne Rooney.

Unfortunately the firmware was infact so old that it couldn't correctly
install the current image (8.2) shipped on the CD's... an undocumented
intermediate step later, and having resorted to a custom hack of the script
file supplied at the link John supplied and Paul seems to have his router
working correctly.  It can ping and correctly resolve www.google.com *yay*.

It really would be nice if they shipped these things with a more recent set
of firmware - if Paul had been a first-timer and didn't have a dial up
connection to download helpful things then he would have been up the creek
without a paddle..

Unfortunately if you fire up a web browser all you get is a page from BT
disallowing traffic on that port *nice*.

I've told Paul to take that up with his ISP (freedom2surf) as it appears
that his service has not be activated by them (the line is certainly
working, I don't think BT are to blame).

All I can say is that by comparison my ADSL setup was painless.

So on my very limited experience the following holds true:

Solwise SAR715 Combined ADSL Modem/Router and 4 port Hub.
Very cheap - this is a good thing.
Very poor quality of documentation, factory setup and software tools.

Alcatel/Thomson Speedtouch 510 ADSL Modem / Router
Not so cheap (but very cheap if you used to work for Thomson and know
someone who will let them use their discount card  ;) )
Reasonably nice web interface, very good docs.

Eclipse Internet - Setup correctly, on time.
Freedom2Surf - Not setup correctly.
BT - take ten working days in both instances but seem to hold up their side
of the deal.

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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