[Sussex] Sulking...

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Wed Nov 13 11:15:01 UTC 2002


On 11/13/2002 Geoff Teale wrote
> My Spider-sense was tingling just now..

Out on DVD this month I think (or is it already out there?)

>                                        so I went out to the
> support office to see what was going on...

Always a bad move.  You may find something to your disadvantage

> ...There sitting on the side was a 1U grey and purple box with a rather
> large white logo on the top.

I have something simular sitting under my desk which I haven't seen in

> Surrounded by dodgy old beige compaq PC's and nasty black Dell's it
> seems to have a feint aura around it.  It appears like an angel in a
> war zone.

My one is only surrounded by the nasty black Dells.

> So my question is - what's a purdy UltraSparc III server doing in a
> place like this, and why isn't it coming to my desk.
> I'm now officially sulking.. ..making me code VB is bad enough... waving
> Solaris under my nose whilst I do it is just down right cruelty.

I told you you'd find out something disadvantage.  Did you listen?  No
Will you listen to me next time?  I'd like to think so.  Remember:
Dobbo is good; Dobbo is wise :-)

I'll take this as my criptic reminder, but Martin hasn't turned up yet.


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