[Sussex] Sulking...

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Nov 13 11:36:01 UTC 2002

Matt wrote:
> LOL, you shuold see the computers I'm dealing with at uni, 
> they're old RM
> machines that don't have CD drives, never mind a CD-RW one!  
> They connect
> over a 10Mb connection to a terminal server cluster on a 
> different campus.
> They are, in a word, pants.

Well.. that all depends on what's being served by the terminal server.  I
mean, if it's LINUX then I would say this is a very good setup, if on the
other hand we're talking Windows over Citrix then I truely believe you
should storm out in disgust.

> if($people_looking=="0")
> {
> $covert_operation = "go";
> $nick_it = "true"
> }
> else
> {
> echo "B*st*rds... :o(";
> }

tealeg at tealeg.uklinux.net $> ./Matts_program
"B*st*rds... :oC"tealeg at tealeg.uklinux.net $>

Damn.. you forgot the newline.. :oP
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk

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