[Sussex] Baby Driver

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Tue Nov 26 00:38:01 UTC 2002

>> I downloaded a driver for my Artec Ultima 2000 scanner.
>> There is an 'ALPHA'
>> driver for this scanner under development but working.  It also has an
>> userspace app that unfortunately creates PMN files?  Anyhow I don't
>> recognise these (maybe the Gimp may load them and convert to
>> JPG so that
>> they are portable to my non-linux mates.  What do you think?

I suspect you mean PNM (Portable aNy Map), which can be converted using
the ImageMagick convert program into jpg via the command line.

> ***NOTE***
> A quick conversation with Angelo has uncovered the the file format in
> question is not PMN, but actually PNG.. OK, we know PNG "Portable
> Network Graphic".. PNG is the only W3C approved bitmapped graphic format
> for web pages (that's right folks, anyone using JPEG's or worse still
> GIF's on their web pages can strip that W3C compliant icon off the
> bottom of the page straight away!).

PNG tools are available to convert this format to jpg and others, but you
can use convert from ImageMagick. You can even convert this to jpg in PHP.


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